The SIGÉOM database for the province of Québec is organized by themes. The data can be downloaded below.
Last update: 07 February 2025.
The Step-by-step User Guide - Mastering the SIGÉOM Data describes the steps to follow to use the SIGÉOM data.
This guide is intended for all users of SIGÉOM, from the occasional user looking for general information on the geology of Quebec, to the geomatics professional who wants to compare data access technologies.
Before downloading data, please read the conditions of access and use relative to our products.
This tool allows to consult available geoscientific and descriptive data by using various search criteria applied to themes or to NTS 1:50,000 map sheets. Files are delivered in ArcGIS File Geodatabase (FGDB), ShapeFile (SHP), Geopackage (GPKG), Comma-Separated Values (CSV) and Keyhole Markup Language (KML) formats. Note that available data are continuously updated.
It is possible to search available data for each NTS 1 :50,000 map sheet in Quebec.