Bedrock geology
The compilation outcrops represent the outcrops surveyed based on field observations or found on existing geological maps.
Geofiche outcrops represent the rock outcroppings observed on the site.
The geological contacts correspond to the limit between various lithologic bodies.
Structural domains combine one or more bodies to create a common surface. They correspond to a geological subdivision with consistent structural features. They are usually distinct from adjacent domains.
The general faults indicate the fault traces, on a general scale, which affect geological bodies. See the following
page for additional information.
The regional faults indicate the fault traces, on a regional scale, which affect geological bodies.
Isograds are represented by a curve connecting points which have undergone a metamorphism under similar pressure and temperature conditions.
Lineaments designate a linear topographic element of regional extension that may reflect the structures found in the rocks.
The regional folds indicate the axial traces of the folds, on a regional scale, which affect geological bodies.
The geological areas combine one or more bodies to create a common surface. They can correspond to a stratigraphic or a lithologic body.
Data from the Geologic Map of Québec on a scale of 1:2 000 000, 2022 edition. See the following
page for additional information.
This product includes deposits or quarries of architectural stone, crushed stone and industrial stone. Architectural stone includes construction stone and ornamental stone. Crushed stone includes all forms of aggregates. Industrial stone includes all stone exploited for industrial purposes which requires no (or little) transformation.
Non-metal deposits are geologic bodies that contain one or more minerals or substances liable to be exploited. They include :
most industrial minerals
precious stones
Metallic substances correspond to showings, mineral deposits or mines whose geochemical contents exceed a threshold defined for one or more metallic elements. It is important that at least one of these elements have a content equal to or greater than the
prescribed threshold.
Diamond drillings are mostly executed by mining companies. These drillings allow for the collection of rock samples (cores), by rotating a diamond bit string.
Electromagnetic anomalies
The electromagnetic anomalies correspond to the anomalies arising from the aerial geophysical surveys.
The SIGÉOM geochemistry includes chemical analyses of rock samples and secondary environment samples.
For more information about the database, visit this
The rock samples designate the rock sampling on the site for the purpose of determining the content of various compounds and/or chemical elements.
The sediment samples represent the sampling of the site's secondary environment (tills, heavy minerals, brook or lake sediments, etc.) to determine the content of various chemical elements.
The geochronology samples designate the rock samples taken on the field to estimate the age of geological events (crystallization, metamorphism, &) with isotopic analysis of solid rocks or selected minerals.
Mineral Potential
A target corresponds to a favorable zone for mineral exploration, unveiled by Ministry geoscience works. At their release, the targets are located in open exploration areas, without prohibition. However, restrictions on exploration may vary over time; thus, a target can be found later in a prohibited area for exploration; in this case it would no longer be released. This does not apply to other geoscience data. See section 304 of the Mining Act for more details.
Prospective zones are areas of interest for mineral exploration defined by geologists based on various criteria during mapping and geological compilation projects.
Mining activity
Publicly accessible information of exploration work, mainly projects that have not reached the development stage. Go to
Data on mineral exploration activities page for more details (french).
Data has not been verified by the Ministry, it can only be used for information purposes.Mines and projects presents information relating to minings (active mine) and to minings projects (Appraisal phases and development).
Mining titles
Allows to consult information (partial) from the GESTIM system on mining rights on demand.
Ministry geoscientific works
Geoscientific works in Quebec carried out during field campaigns: Quaternary surveys, geochemical surveys, geological surveys, etc.
Field projects : bedrock geology, quaternary geology, geophysics, etc.
Peaty environments
A peatland is a wet zone, colonized by vegetation allowing the formation of earth composed of peat which is the result of the fossilization of organic matter.
Quaternary geology
The erratics boulders include all the information of ground relating to the erratics boulders and to the studies of glacial dispersal. An erratic boulder is a fragment of rock of relatively important size and which was moved by a glacier sometimes on great distances.
Heavy minerals concentrates are laboratory made concentrates of sediment samples based on the size and density of particles. The examination and analysis of these concentrates generates grain counts and/or proportions of mineral species associated to different source deposits.
The glacial erosional forms describes the micro-shapes and forms related to glacial erosion. Information common to this type of geological features are essentially the geographic coordinates and azimuth. Ex.: Streak, groove, rock mottled.
Surfacial landform describes all elements of surface morphology. It is divided into several categories: glacial forms, eolian structures, etc. Ex.: polygonal soils, beach ridge, esker.
The observation site is a collection of information on the Quaternary period of a localized point on a territory. This information corresponds to data collected in the field and recorded in the form.
The morphosedimentological zone includes areas characterized by attributes inherent to the surfacial geology. Ex.: Coastal glaciomarine sediment (MGB), glaciolacustrine deltaic sediment (LGD), generally continues till cover (Tc).
The morpho-sedimentological zone includes areas characterized by attributes inherent to the surfacial geology. Ex.: Coastal glaciomarine sediment (MGB), glaciolacustrine deltaic sediment (LGD), generally continues till cover (Tc).