5000 km
2000 mi
1 : 559 081 146
© Gouvernement du Québec

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Locate by mining title

You can locate one or several mining title(s) according to the number. Separate the numbers with « + ». Example: 999999+888888


Locate by EXAMINE document

You can locate one or several EXAMINE documents. Separate the numbers of document with « + ». Example: Dp 034+RG 2014-03


Locate by text

You can locate items containing specific text. Please use accented characters where necessary.


Custom territory

This tools allows you to define a territory of search according to the map viewport. This territory can be applied as criteria of search in the SIGÉOM à la carte queries. It is possible to define several territories in the same session. This window will close once the operation is complete.

Enter a name :

Locate by coordinates


Place marker on the map

According to coordinates


Freehand on the map

Click «Place marker» to place a marker on an any place on the map.

List of markers

There are no markers on the map

My SIGÉOM queries

List of queries made in Sigéom à la carte. Limit :500

No SIGÉOM query


The Québec's interactive geological map is the Web cartographic application of Geology Quebec. The map allows :

  1. to visualize a multitude of geological data (geological units, mineralized zones, diamond drillings, etc.) and to put them in relation with mining information (mines and projects, mining titles) and geographical (satellite images, hydrography, topography, etc.);

  2. explore the data with basic tools (zoom, selection, transparency, interrogation of the data, the measure, localization);

  3. share the map to other user;

WMS service

The data shown on this map are also available in WMS services. For more details consult this page.

User guide

The Step-by-step User Guide - Mastering the SIGÉOM Data describes three ways to access SIGÉOM data by using the same functions in three different work environments, including the interactive map. Reading this document is like a recipe book, step by step. At the end of this exercise, you will be able to master the SIGÉOM data.


To understand the symbolization, refer to the document
Geoscience Map Symbols and Abbreviations

Hints and tips

To make a zoom on selection: hold the shift key at the same time as the left button of the mouse to draw a box.

Your feedback is important to us

If you have questions or comments about the interactive map, do not hesitate to contact us.
