
The geology of this property is simpler in many ways to that on other properties examined in 2001. The cliffs give complete rock exposure and the talus and till hide everything else. The presence of belts of peridotite in pods and lenses as NE of the "crater" demonstrates that the crustal slabs here were once in contact with the mantle. The presence of kimberlite completes the picture and assures one that all the ingredients are present for the possible emplacement of diamond beating kimberlite rocks. It is fortunate that the Quebec department of mines has published their geology map of this area in October 2001. The information contained on it will be valuable in interpreting the distribution of indicator minerals in the drainage systems on the property. This western part of the property will require a separate program of exploration to identify the presence of kimberlite dykes or pipes on it. Separate work needs to be carried out on the known dyke. Rock samples should be taken at regularly spaced intervals along dyke. Samples should also be taken in areas where the ground magnetic survey indicates there may be a "blow". Till samples in the valley floor would indicate the near presence of buried kimberlite bodies. Since one of the key signs of the presence of the kimberlite dykes is the grassy cleft in the rocks, exploration at this elevation on the property needs to be done on the ground, by taking systematic till samples or using a ground magnetometer as described below. The magnetometer used in walking mode is a very good tool in following invisible kimberlitic dykes once they disappear under the extensive boulder fields at these higher elevations. It should be used to follow the south extension of the known kimberlite dyke. It can also be used to locate narrow steep gradient magnetic features that are magnetic dykes but may be diabase dykes. An experienced operator should be able to find the more resistant diabase as float on the surface. It is possible to rent a magnetometer that has a built in GPS. If this machine is used along with its base station magnetometer, collected data can be correction for its position and diurnal magnetic variation at the same time. The precision of the data and location are top quality and are completed in minutes rather than days. Such a dedicated base station magnetometer also has a base station GPS capability. This corrects the GPS fields point to accuracy in the meter range. This would eliminate the need to construct extensive grids in the field. Grid construction in this region takes three times longer than below the tree line. The savings in detailed grid construction costs will easily justify the rental and use of such equipment. Grids can be reduced to witness markers done in paint or with ribbons. In areas of snow, pickets could still be used. A computer with appropriate software and an operator familiar with the system will be needed to give daily feedback on likely targets for the crew to focus on the next day.


Type de document

Document des compagnies d'exploration minière
Travaux statutaires

Domaine d'activité

Géologie générale

Type de levé

Évaluation technique
Levé géologique
Analyse de sédiments de ruisseaux
Minéraux industriels


Voir aussi GM 59661
Voir aussi GM 59662
Voir aussi GM 59663
Voir aussi GM 59664
Voir aussi GM 59665

Type de document

Document des compagnies d'exploration minière
Travaux statutaires

Domaine d'activité

Géologie générale

Type de levé

Évaluation technique
Levé géologique
Analyse de sédiments de ruisseaux
Minéraux industriels


Voir aussi GM 59661
Voir aussi GM 59662
Voir aussi GM 59663
Voir aussi GM 59664
Voir aussi GM 59665