The Geoffroy Prospect has the potential to host volcanic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits with associated gold and/or silver mineralization. The Pond Zone, in which the Geoffroy Showing occur, displays favorable geological features charactiristic of typical VMS deposits. These include massive strata-bound accumulations of pyrite and pyrrhotite with associated chalcopyrite and sphalerite within Felsic and Intermediate pyroclastic rock units stratigraphically complimented by Felsic, Intermediate, and Mafic Volcanic flows. Structures such as moderate to intense shearing, and the presence of faults with mineralization in close proximity, provide the conduits for ore-bearing fluids and accumulation. The occurence of at least two north-northwest faults and one north-south fault interpreted in the area of the Pond Zone and the West Zone, crossing the main east-west oriented shear across the Pond Zone, adds to the potential of the Geoffroy Prospect for base-metal and associated gold-silver mineralization.