During the summer 2013-2014 exploration program 460 man-days were spent mapping, prospecting and sampling. A total 1,539 soil b-horizon samples and 463 grab samples were collected. 97 grab samples returned values greater than 100 ppb Au out of which, 35 assayed more than 1 g/t Au. The best assay was obtained from a boulder sample returning 108.5 g/t Au, 196.0 g/t Ag and 4.22% Cu. The best in-situ value, from an outcrop, is from a quartz vein located in the Hillhouse Hill area that returned 39.5 g/t Au, 3.3 g/t Ag and 0.46% Cu. Three areas (Julien Lake, Hillhouse Hill and Ola River) with auriferous rocks align with the interpreted extension of the Mine Package unit, stand out from the prospecting program and highlight the potential of that geological horizon. 1,539 soil B-horizon samples were collected. Approximately half the samples were covering seven small grid laid out over isolated airborne (VTEM) conductors and half the samples were collected on the margins of the 1990 survey. The 2013-2014 soil survey results did not show any anomalous cluster. The majority of the anomalous values were on the perimeter of the 1990 survey, surroundings the deposit. The best gold assay in soil, with 273 ppb, is located in a small grid in the western part of the property. This punctual high value is located over an isolated airborne conductor.