In summary, work performed on the Poste Lemoyne Extension project since 1998 have led to the discovery by drilling of two mineralized gold zones over a distance of about 0,5 kilometers. The two zones, Orfée and Orfée East, are highly deformed, weakly to strongly altered and mineralized iron formations located close from a major volcanic/sediment contact. Both of them contain visible gold. In previous regional exploration program, iron formations with their associated magnetic and EM anomalies were the main targets to find gold mineralization. The geological reconnaissance of the summer 2007 was executed mostly on the eastern part of the property over a large targeted area. It was not limited to Mag and AEM anomalies and targeted also the major contact between volcanics and sediments. After 32 days of geological reconnaissance one (1) anomalous area have been highlighted for copper and silver mineralizations and three (3) for gold. Each of them show different geological context with different alterations and mineralization. They are all within less than one kilometer from the major lithological and structural contact between the Guyer greenstone belt and the Laguiche paragneiss.