GEOLOGY OF THE LAC DU PELICAN AREA (34P). RG 2002-08, 2004. 48 pages and 1 map. 


The rocks in the Lac du Pélican area (NTS 34P), mapped at 1:250,000 scale during the summer of 2000, were subdivided into two lithodemic complexes and six intrusive suites, which formed between 2.77 and 2.69 Ga. The Faribault-Thury Complex and the Pélican-Nantais Complex contain a variety of mafic, intermediate to felsic metavolcanic rocks and metasedimentary rocks that form volcano-sedimentary belts within the different granitoid suites. From the oldest to the youngest, these suites are: the Rochefort Suite (tonalite), the Bottequin Suite (tonalite, trondhjemite, quartz diorite), the Châtelain Suite (granodiorite), the La Chevrotière Suite (porphyritic monzogranite to quartz monzonite, granodiorite, granite), the MacMahon Suite (enderbite, opdalite, gabbronorite, orthopyroxene diorite, pyroxenite), and the Lepelle Suite (tonalite to granodiorite). All these Archean units are cut by two sets of Paleoproterozoic dykes: the Klotz gabbro dykes (2209 Ma), and the Payne River diabase dykes (1875-1790 Ma). All lithologies in the Lac du Pélican area underwent several phases of deformation. Primary volcanic or sedimentary structures in supracrustal rocks were deformed in a penetrative fashion, transposed by a series of deformational events and considerably modified by metamorphic recrystallization. The central and southwesternmost parts of the area are characterized by a weak aeromagnetic gradient. The latter is oriented NW-SE and cut by a prominent set of N-S-trending positive aeromagnetic anomalies. These two patterns are characterized by ductile structures (D1 to D3), and are transected by various networks of lineaments oriented N-S (D4) and WNW-ESE (D5) to NW-SE (D6), which outline brittle structures at the brittle-ductile transition. Our work has outlined three types of settings which yielded anomalous analytical results: 1) iron formations with Cu ± Au ± Ag ± Zn mineralization, 2) ultramafic and mafic intrusions with Cu ± Zn mineralization, and 3) fault zones and quartz veins with Cu ± Zn ± Au ± Ag ± Mo ± U mineralization. Two showings discovered in fault zones respectively yielded concentrations of 0.75% Cu and 0.3% Mo.


Document type

Document produced by the Ministère
Geological reports

Field of activity

General geology

Type of survey

Rock analysis
Geological survey


Also see RG 2002-02

Document type

Document produced by the Ministère
Geological reports

Field of activity

General geology

Type of survey

Rock analysis
Geological survey


Also see RG 2002-02