GEOLOGY OF THE POVUNGNITUK (35C) AND KOVIC BAY (35F) AREAS. RG 2004-05, 2005. 41 pages and 2 maps. 


The geology of the Povungnituk area (NTS 35C and the southeastern part of 35F) was mapped at 1:250,000 scale during the summer 2002. It was subdivided into two lithodemic complexes, two volcano-sedimentary belts, six intrusive suites, one lithological unit and four lithodemes, all emplaced between 2.8 and 1.8 Ga. The Povungnituk and Mézard complexes, as well as the Duquet Belt, contain various types of volcano-sedimentary rocks, metamorphosed to the amphibolite and the granulite facies and enclosed in different granitoid units. Volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Juet Belt are metamorphosed to the greenschist and the amphibolite facies, and are not intruded by felsic plutonic suites. Plutonic units were grouped into suites, which are, from the oldest to the youngest, as follows: (i) mafic and ultramafic rocks of the Couture Suite; (ii) tonalites-trondhjemites-granodiorites-granites of the Rochefort Suite (2830 to 2766 Ma); (iii) granites-granodiorites of the La Chevrotière (2732 Ma) and Pinguq (2727 Ma) suites; (iv) enderbites-opdalites-charnockites of the Qilalugalik Suite (2730 Ma); (v) diatexites of the Bylot Suite (2737 to 2722 Ma). These units are cut by four sets of Paleoproterozoic gabbro and diabase dykes, namely the Klotz (2209 Ma), Payne River (> 2000 Ma), Irsuaq River and Pointe Raudot dykes. Rocks in the area have undergone polyphase deformation. A first phase of ductile deformation (D1) is responsible for F1 folds and an S1 fabric oriented E-W to WNW-ESE, which are only locally preserved in volcano-sedimentary units. This deformation was reworked by a second phase of regional deformation (D2), responsible for the prominent N-S to NNW-SSE-trending fabric. A phase of dextral shearing (D3) affects all the rocks in the area, albeit in a heterogeneous manner. This phase of deformation resulted in the formation of a synmetamorphic mylonitic fabric oriented WNW-ESE. It is coeval with the emplacement of porphyroclastic granitoids of the Pinguq Suite and diatexites of the Bylot Suite. Following these three Archean phases of deformation, a Paleoproterozoic anorogenic episode occurred, during which the Klotz, Payne River and Irsuaq River dyke swarms were emplaced along brittle faults (D5). Then, three phases of Paleoproterozoic deformation related to the Ungava Orogen (D6) affected Archean rocks just south of the orogenic front. The economic potential of the area is outlined by two types of mineral occurrences: 1) gold occurrences associated with sulphide-facies iron formations in the Juet Belt, and 2) Cu±Ag occurrences in quartz-rich veins with semi-massive sulphides, observed in the Mézard Complex.


Document type

Document produced by the Ministère
Geological reports

Field of activity

General geology

Type of survey

Geological survey


Also see RG 2003-06

Document type

Document produced by the Ministère
Geological reports

Field of activity

General geology

Type of survey

Geological survey


Also see RG 2003-06